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  • 1 Invertor On-Grid Fronius Primo 6.0-1 WLAN-LAN-webserver, monofazat, 6.0 KW
  • 14 panouri monocristaline 440W Jinko Solar JKM440N-54HL4R-V, 30mm, Tiger Neo
  • 1 Contor inteligent monofazat Fronius Smart Meter 63A-1


Acest kit este un sistem fotovoltaic monofazat, compus dintr-un invertor on-grid monofazat Fronius Primo 6.0-1 WLAN-LAN-webserver, 6.0 KW, 14 panouri fotovoltaice de 440W, Jinko Solar JKM440N-54HL4R-V, Tiger NEO si contorul inteligent Fronius 63A-1.

Kit fotovoltaic 6kW monofazat, invertor Fronius, 14 panouri Jinko 440W

  • Invertor On-Grid Fronius Primo 6.0-1 WLAN-LAN-webserver, monofazat, 6.0 KW

    Greutate  21,5 kg
    Dimensiuni  64.5 × 43.1 × 20.4 cm
    Categorie putere  5~10 kW
    Putere invertor  6.0 kW
    Putere maxima invertor  9.0 kW peak
    Randament maxim invertor  98.1%
    Tip de unda invertor  unda sinusoidala pura
     Faza invertor  monofazat
    Numar de MPPT invertor  2
    Tensiune de lucru MPPT invertor  80~800V
    Curent de intrare invertor Max  12.0 A
    Tensiune de intrare invertor Max  1000 V
    Putere nominala de iesire  6000W
    Curent de iesire Max  26.1 A
    Distorsiune armonica totala invertor  ≤ 5 %
    Grad de protectie invertor  IP65
    Garantie invertor  5 ani


    Panou fotovoltaic 440W Jinko Solar JKM440N-54HL4R-V, 30mm, Tiger Neo

    Tip panou solar  N type Monocristalin
     Putere (Pmax)  440W
     Tensiune maxima (Vmp)  32.81 V
     Curent maxim (Imp)  13.41 A
     Tensiune circuit deschis(Voc)  39.38 V
     Curent de scurtcircuit (Isc)  13.86 A
     Tensiune maxima sistem (V) 1000/1500VDC (IEC)
     Lungime (mm)  1762
     Latime (mm)  1134
     Adancime (mm)  30
     Culoare rama  aliaj aluminiu anodizat
     Material  sticla/aluminiu
     Numar celule  108 (2×54)
     Eficienta celule  22.08%
     Grad de protectie  IP68
     Temperaturi de lucru  intre -40 pana la +85
     Greutate  22.0 kg

    Contor inteligent monofazat Fronius Smart Meter 63A-1

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